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Professional Development
part of the Education Reform Network
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Staff development that improves the learning of all students uses disaggregated student data to determine adult learning priorities, monitor progress, and help sustain continuous improvement.


Data from various sources can serve a number of important staff development purposes. The links below support this standard:

  • Action Research
    Overview of the concept of action research, how to get started and links to other resources, such as a chapter from an ASCD book on action research.
  • Action Research Network, Ireland
    Provides action researchers with links to international resources. (Note: Last update 3/1/99).
  • Action Research Resources
    Action Research International Journal provides resources, links, and articles on action research.
  • Action Research/Teacher as Researcher
    Resource links to articles on action research.
  • Analyze student data
    Provides articles with discussion/reflection tools. Good for use with study groups.
  • Ask ERIC
    Good resource for action researchers to find research on specific topics.
  • Classroom Action Research
    Describes the action research process used in the Madison Metropolitan School District.
  • Cycle of Inquiry
    Coalition of Essential Schools' model to analyze the design of school structures and practices.
  • Design Staff Development with Student Needs in Mind
    Staff development planning must begin with the basic knowledge of standards and curriculum. Then staff developers need to plan backwards by disaggregating student data to determine student needs and then identify the teacher needs based on student data.
  • Educational Research
    Resources for teachers involved in action research. Provides information for math and science education.
  • Emphasize student learning
    Provides articles with discussion/reflection tools. Good for use with study groups.
  • Ideas that Work
    Professional development strategies for teachers of math and science.
  • Intersections
    You don�t need an advanced degree in statistics and a roomful of computers to start asking data-based questions about your school, and using what you learn to guide reform. This article presents a model that lets a school quickly begin posing and answering data-based questions about teaching and learning.
  • ISLLC Standards Self-Assessment Inventory
    A practice leadership assessment tool that provides individuals with a practice activity in preparation for the national ISLLC examination offered by ETS.
  • League of Professional Schools
    Provides an overview of the League of Professional Schools. Action research is a primary component of this school reform model.
  • Learning from Student Work
    Highlights from "Focus on Student Work: A Conference on Continuous School Improvement," Conference. Links to concurrent session materials and information.
  • Listening to Student Voices
    A self-study tool kit to use student input for school planning.
  • Looking at Student Work
    Coalition of Essential Schools model for examining student work. Gives specific directions for use of tools, such as tuning protocol.
  • Looking Collaboratively at Student Work: An Essential Toolkit
    Article (1996) on activities related to looking at student work.
  • National Awards Program For Model Professional Development
    Description of award program and criteria for selection.
  • Pathways: Action Research
    Defines action research and provides suggested reading.
  • School Improvement: Focusing on Student Performance
    Describes the school improvement model advocated by the Regional School Accreditation Commissions .
  • Teacher Change
    Focused on the TIMSS, this set of resources provides leaders with tools to help teachers understand the purpose for school change.
  • Teacher Research
    Focuses on an action research model, Instructional Improvement through Inquiry and Collaboration (IITIC). Provides model research questions and rationale for teacher research.
  • Teacher-Researcher Network
    Demonstrates how one school system supports action research. The system supports action researchers, produces a newsletter and organizes an annual conference for presentation of teacher research.
  • The Numbers Game: Measure Progress by Analyzing Data
    Data can be used as a powerful tool for a district/school to measure the progress being made toward achieving its vision. This article outlines the steps to use with data beginning with a data plan, analyzing and summarizing data and then identifying a goal.
  • The Ontario Action Researcher
    Electronic journal for teachers at all levels.
  • Up and Away
    Turn around low-performing schools is not that complex. Teachers evaluate areas of weakness, then set goals to improve them one at a time.