Quality Teaching
Staff development that improves the learning of all students deepens educators' content knowledge, provides them with research-based instructional strategies to assist students in meeting rigorous academic standards, and prepares them to use various types of classroom assessments appropriately.
Successful teachers have a deep understanding of the subjects they teach, use appropriate instructional methods, and apply various classroom assessment strategies. The following links support this standard:
Classroom Management
Content Knowledge
How People Learn
Lesson Planning
Reaching All Students
Extensive resources for teachers in all subject areas. Links to other resources.
Action Research
Overview of the concept of action research, how to get started and links to other resources, such as a chapter from an ASCD book on action research.
Action Research Network, Ireland
Provides action researchers with links to international resources. (Note: Last update 3/1/99).
Action Research/Teacher as Researcher
Resource links to articles on action research.
Analyze student data
Provides articles with discussion/reflection tools. Good for use with study groups.
Good resource for action researchers to find research on specific topics.
California Subject Matter Project
Links to papers from projects sponsored by this organization. Addresses different content areas.
CELA Researchers Suggest Useful Framework for Studying Professional Development
Summary of the report, Appropriating Conceptual and Pedagogical Tools for Teaching English: A Conceptual Framework for Studying Professional Development by Pamela Grossman, Peter Smagorinsky, Sheila Valencia. They propose that activity theory-following from the work of Vygotsky (1987), Leont'ev (1981), Wertsch (1981), Cole (1996), and others-provides a useful framework for studying the conceptual development of teachers.
CEO Forum Reports
Reports on integrating technology into the curriculum.
Classroom Action Research
Describes the action research process used in the Madison Metropolitan School District.
Curriculum Development
Teachers need to continually discuss what students should know and be able to do. This article explains how teachers begin to know their curriculum, develop curriculum maps, and web the curriculum.
Educational Research
Resources for teachers involved in action research. Provides information for math and science education.
Ethical Standards of AERA
Provides standards for researchers in their work with human subjects. Good resource for leader of action research program.
Ideas that Work
Professional development strategies for teachers of math and science.
International Society for Technology in Education
Home site of the National Educational Technology Standards. Provides an online assessment for technology in a district or school.
It All Adds Up
The Michigan TIMSS group tested a hypothesis that high math achievement results from curriculum and teacher knowledge. This article shares the two stories of how teachers engaged in a staff development program to ensure all math teachers knew both the material and strategies to support them.
Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators
Part of DiscoverySchool.com, this website provides teaching strategies for teachers in different content areas.
League of Professional Schools
Provides an overview of the League of Professional Schools. Action research is a primary component of this school reform model.
Looking at Student Work
Coalition of Essential Schools model for examining student work. Gives specific directions for use of tools, such as tuning protocol.
Mathematics Education: Teacher Education & Professional Development
Provides links for math educators to websites providing professional development.
Mathematics Professional Development
Professional development strategies for math education. Model programs are highlighted as are several technical assistance providers around the country.
National Board for Professional Teaching Standards
Sponsoring agency for teachers to obtain national certification.
National Center for Improving Student Learning and Achievement in Mathematics and Science
Provides resources and links for teachers of mathematics and science.
National Council for Social Studies
Professional organization that provides workshops and links to other resources.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Professional organization provides resources and links to additional resources.
National Council of Teachers of English
Professional organization that links to resources.
National Institute for Science Education
Links to publications from Professional Development Team.
National Writing Project
Official site for the National Writing Project. Provides links to resources.
North Central Regional Technology in Education Consortium
Multiple tools provided to plan professional development for technology integration.
Pathways to School Improvement
Comprehensive set of tools to help school leaders. Survey provided, scored and linked to critical issue topics.
Pathways: Action Research
Defines action research and provides suggested reading.
PBS Teacher Source
Provides resources and links in multiple content areas.
PDA Links
Provides links to PDA websites.
Peer Coaching
Offers tools and articles on peer coaching.
Professional Development: Global SchoolNet
Web resources will be useful as you plan and implement your own professional-development program.
Project Based Learning
Describes the process for project based learning.
Reading Lessons
Tucson Unified School District has focused on improving reading for all students by increasing teachers and administrators knowledge about how children learn to read as well as providing the teachers with different strategies to use with different children.
School Improvement: Focusing on Student Performance
Describes the school improvement model advocated by the Regional School Accreditation Commissions .
Short Cuts
Multiple resources for math and science teachers to get information quickly.
Standards and Frameworks
Links to national and state math and science standards and frameworks.
Standards for Professional Development for Teachers of Science
Describes the professional development standard for teachers of science.
Self-assessment tool provides teachers with diagnosis of standards that can be developed. The standards are linked to print, media, and Internet resources.
Supporting Technology in Education through Professional Development
A planning resource for technology professional developers, school technology specialists, and K-12 administrators. Organized around the following themes: Visualizing Technology-Supported Engaged LearningCurrent RealityEffective Staff DevelopmentEvaluationImplementation .
Teacher Change
Focused on the TIMSS, this set of resources provides leaders with tools to help teachers understand the purpose for school change.
Teacher-Researcher Network
Demonstrates how one school system supports action research. The system supports action researchers, produces a newsletter and organizes an annual conference for presentation of teacher research.
Teaching and Learning
This organizations represents a network of urban school reform leaders. Includes Making Good on the Promise: High Standards for All, a toolkit.
TEAMS Distance Learning
Helpful tips for beginning and experienced teachers.
Technology in Education
Provides resources in the following areas:Teachers Administrators Policymakers Around the Region Hot Topics Products Presentations .
Technology Professional Development: At a Glance
Article on how to provide professional development for teachers in technology. Links to other resources.
The Ontario Action Researcher
Electronic journal for teachers at all levels.
Top-Notch Programs for Middle Schools
Professional development programs, if implemented properly, have potential to improve teachers� knowledge of content and content-specific pedagogy to improve student learning. This article outlines the criteria used for selection of programs published in What Works in the Middle.
What is Reflection?
Describes the rationale for professional reflection.
Website for teachers to integrate technology into curriculum. Provides resources for professional development in: Equity in Diversity Funding & Grants Limited English Proficiency Professional Journals Special Needs Student Assessment Student Motivation Technology Planning Technology Tutorials .